Thursday, October 28, 2010

Our Move to South Carolina

Last Thursday, the big Mayflower truck came to our home and loaded up all our belongings for the trip east to South Carolina. Friday was spent cleaning our house and packing up the Uhaul we rented with last minute items and things we didn't want to trust the moving company with. Saturday morning we left NWA and headed east. We spent the night outside of Atlanta then finished the trip Sunday morning. We got to our new home around 1:30 pm Sunday afternoon.

My mom came with us to help me with Ali in the car and to help get us unpacked. The moving truck got to our house around 8am Monday morning. While the moving guys unloaded everything, my mom and I started emptying boxes and Chris was in charge of checking off everything on the inventory sheet. Since then we have been trying to get everything in its place and get settled in.

Moving is tiring, stressful, chaotic, and overwhelming. But, we are making progress day by day and eventually we will feel settled in our new home. I took some pictures today of all the chaos. I will post some "finished" pictures in the future. Once we get things squared away and pictures on the walls. That may be a few weeks, or months away. :)
empty box piles

mudroom - looking into laundry room
master bath
Dining room and front view of the house. The awful chandelier will be replaced - hopefully soon. See the awesome NWA canvas from our friends? Love it!
stacks of pictures to hang
and more
trash on back porch
boxes on front porch


April said...

It's so good to read an update from you! Anxiously awaiting more pictures!

Emily said...

Crying. It was so hard to drive past your "old" house tonight and see it empty. I'm happy and sad all at the same time. The new house looks so pretty and reminds me of the one here! MISS YOU!

The Dossett Family said...

I am so glad to see these pictures. Makes me feel better! Wish you guys were still here. Can't wait to go visit you guys and see that beautiful house! Keep posting pictures. :)