Sunday, August 24, 2008

The Cabin Goes Up

On Friday, after Lia and I picked Ian up from school, we drove over to the land to see how the guys were doing getting the cabin put together. They had some prep work to accomplish before they started on the panels. Chris rented a cabin in Ponca, AR for three nights so they would not have to travel back and forth to Springdale. The kids and I stayed with them in the cabin Friday night. Ian was up half the night complaining about his leg hurting (Chris just thinks he was having growing pains) and then we heard a big thud in the middle of the night. Ian had fallen off the couch. I know it is not funny, but is was kind of humorous, especially since Chris told Ian he was worried about him falling off the couch and that he should sleep on his cot/sleeping bag. So we did not get much sleep Friday night.
Packing up Friday evening
Ian pretending to be a cowboy
The guys went over to the cabin after breakfast Saturday morning and the kids and I met my mom, who was bringing lunch, in Kingston at 11am. Jim and Eloise drove over Saturday morning as well. This is what the cabin looked like when we got to the land around 11:15am.
Cooling off in the shade of the truck
Here is what was completed when we left yesterday afternoon. They had 3 panels and the french doors left to put up and they were able to get all that done by around 8pm last night. Today they are working on the roof.
Jim, Dave, Larry and Chris

1 comment:

The Ennis' said...

Harrison gets growing pains ALL THE TIME!! We got a little concerned after a while and even had it x-rayed. It was fine! A little Motrin and he's usually ok for the rest of the night. Hope you are feeling good!