Sunday, April 6, 2008


Mimi and I took the kids to Stillwater yesterday afternoon to watch Matthew's baseball team play in the Stillwater tournament. We all had a really great time. Ian and Lia had so much fun running around with Mason and just being outside and in the dirt. They were also super excited about getting to stay in a hotel. We watched two games last night and one this morning. Ian and Lia were pretty tired and cranky on the trip home. Thankfully, they took about a 30 minute nap in the car. Ian starts T-ball this summer, and after this weekend of baseball, I am looking forward to seeing Ian play. It should be interesting at least. :)

The field next to where Matthew was playing was empty so Ian, Lia and Mason held their own ball game.
Lia loves her uncle Danny. She hung out with him during Matthews game this morning.
Snack time at the field
Lunch after the game

1 comment:

Mimi said...

It was fun! I really enjoyed seeing the kiddos playing so good together. Ian was soooo excited to see and play with Mason. And, I think Lia thinks Matthew is the BEST! And, Uncle Danny couldn't get away from Lia -- she was so "into" him! Love you! Mom